Monday, 16 January 2017

Outsourcing: You really couldn't make it up

Our branch has been involved in a relentless fight with mass outsourcing. During my first week back at work I saw an example of just how bad things have got in particularly in terms of health & safety.

The picture above was taken of the floor in a building which staff are working on a daily basis. The bolt head which you can see is a result of metal caging being removed from the workplace, as a result of another health and safety issue we are trying to address. When I first saw eight bolt heads protruding from the floor, covered with red hazard tape, I couldn’t believe it. Apparently the contractor only had a contract to remove the metal cage not the bolts in the floor. I’ll repeat it again, ‘the contractor only had a contract to remove the metal cage not the bolts in the floor’.

It really beggars belief but this is but one example of how managing with so many different contractors is causing serious issues, in this case, health & safety. Apparently, the bolt heads stay in the floor until a fresh contract is issued to remove the bolts.

Inwardly I had a Basil Fawlty moment outwardly I left the room after assuring the members I would be raising it with the senior management which I did. 

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